Front End Developer Interview Questions for Freshers 2023

Frontend Developers are in demand today. A lot of companies are readily hiring them with attractive salary packages. If you believe you possess the skills to become a frontend developer and wish to make a career in it, then you’re in the right place. This tutorial on Frontend Developer Interview Questions will help you crack your next interview. This Frontend Developer Interview Questions tutorial has put together questions on various languages and frameworks used for frontend development.

1. What are meta tags in HTML ?

  • Meta tags are those tags which go inside the Head tag of the HTML page
  • Meta tags are not for the interface they are important for the browser. 
  • Meta Tags are always in name or value pairs 
  • Meta tags consist of character encoding, title, or even description. 

2. State some basic design element

Some of the basic elements of design are 

  • Line – a line mark made with any pen or brush or even any edge created when two shape meets 
  • Size – it is the area occupied by one shape with the other 
  • Texture- the surface of the shape – Smooth, soft, hard, glossy, and such 
  • Color – The light reflected from the objects. The three characteristics of color are hue, value, and the intensity. 

3. What is load balancing? 

Load balancing is distribution of all the incoming network traffic all across the backend servers. 

4. What npm stands for ?

Npm stands for Node Package Manager. 

5. What is scope in JavaScript? 

In JavaScript every function has its own scope. It is basically a collection of rules for how variables are accessed and variables itself. 

6. How are JavaScript and jQuery different?

JQuery is a library built with the JavaScript language, and JavaScript is the language itself. 

7. What is Content Security Policy? 

Content security Policy also known as CSP, is a header in HTML which lets the soite operators  gain the whole control over the resources which are loading on the site. 

8. What is Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)?

XSS, Cross-Site Scripting is an attack which takes place when any attacker uses a web application to send any malicious code, in the form of browser side script, to another user. 

9. What is User Centered Design?

User-centered designs are those designs the designer solely focuses on which are according to the needs of users and them in every phase of designing. 

10. What is callback hell?

JavaScript which uses callbacks and is hard to get the right intuitively. The callbacks which are stacked in the form of pyramid structure. 

11. What is Polymorphism ?

The word Polymorphism means having many different forms. If we talk in object-oriented form, polymorphism refers to one interface, multiple functions. 

12. What is Strict Mode?

A new feature of ECMAScript 5 is Strict mode which lets you place a function, or a program in a “strict” context of operating. 

13. What is meant by the KISS principle? 

KISS, a backronym of “Keep it simple, stupid”. Which was the principal design in the US Navy in 1960. The KISS principle states that the simpler the system the better it works. 

14. What does SOLID stand for?

S.O.L.I.D is an acronym of object-oriented design principles 

S- single responsibility principle 

O- open-closed principle 

L- Liskov Substitution principle 

I- interface segregation principle 

D- dependency. 

15. What is ClickJacking?

ClickJacking is an attack which lets the developer fool the users into thinking that they are clicking one thing but actually they are clicking the other one. 

16. What is Coercion in JavaScript? 

The conversion of two different build-in Types of JavaScript is called Coercion. It comes in two forms, Explicit and implicit. 

17. What is IIFEs?

IIFEs stands for Immediately-Invoked Function Expression. This executes immediately after you create it. 

18. What is a grid system in CSS?

A structure which lets the content be placed both horizontally and vertically in a consistent and manageable way. There are two key components of the Grid system; Rows and Columns. 

19. What is Mixin?

A Mixin is a code block that lets the group of CSS declarations which we can reuse in our site. 

20. Mention ways to decrease page load time?

The best ways to decrease the page load time is 

  • Image optimization
  • Browser cache
  • Compress and optimize content 

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